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Sunday, April 26, 2020


Hey everybody! I love traveling and I travel to as many places as I can whenever I get a holiday. In this process of visiting various places, I myself have found various changes in life. My lifestyle as somehow changed from the time about 5-10 years ago and travel is also one of the major factors to produce such change. Today in this blog I am going to share a few tips on how you can change your life too. 

Before starting, I just want you to ask a question to yourself. Do you really enjoy traveling? Because if you don't really enjoy traveling then this is not just the right place to be. To bring changes in your life from traveling, you must learn to enjoy every moment. You must love traveling or rather at least get some happiness. I know must of us love traveling but don't have enough time. This happens to everybody but even a small trip is enough to bring big changes to life.

Today I am gonna take you, curious people, through some points on how travel changes our life. Read it till the end and click on the orange subscribe button on the right side for more such content. 
woman writing while sitting on hill near mountain


While traveling you find a lot of things about you yourself which you didn't know about yourself. Most of you are getting stuck in the daily routine of 9 to 5 jobs where we really don't have any time for ourselves. Many people don't find their jobs interesting but are forced to do so because they don't have an option. 

Traveling helps people to get out to the outer space and explore themselves. Traveling is a means where you can forget everything and give full time to you and your family. This helps in finding a better version of yourself. It's like updating yourself and finding a better you.
woman standing in green field


When you travel more you get a chance to meet more and more people and develop communication skills. When you travel to many places you find new friends and increase your friend's circle.  

Everyone likes increasing friends circle, don't they? When we meet new people we know about different lifestyles and ways of living. It's a human nature that everyone loves. 

You will gain the ability of turning every stranger into friends. Skills like communication and influence automatically increases when you travel. Also, you will be more social and loved by everybody.

 In my short travel period, I have created many friends and developed the best communication skills by getting involved with various people which would not have been possible without traveling.  
three men and one woman laughing during daytime


When traveling you can come across various challenges that you will not come across in your daily life. Whether it is being in the most unexpected environment or having difficulty in talking languages or problems exchanging money or anything of that kind.

Such challenges might put you in trouble but will teach you and help to get out of such situations. You will learn how to cope up with any upcoming problems in your life. Traveling makes you realize that challenges are part of your life and will train you to face them. It will question your abilities and make you more mature.
people standing on top of mountain


When you travel to any place you will learn some basics about how to be independent. It's obvious that traveling makes people independent. Whenever people travel and land to a new place they are the owner of themselves which means there will be no one to control them and they will be free.

Being free also means being self-dependent. When you are free you also are responsible for all the tasks you carry there. The way you eat, travel or do any kind of activities depends on you and you have to care about everything you do because after all its a stranger's land for you.

This develops the habit of self-dependence among you. This means you don't have to be dependent on others for everything and can take decisions on your own. You learn to live the way you want.
woman wearing gray cardigan and brown scarff


Everyone is talking about heath and a healthy mindset. Ya we all know the importance of a healthy mindset but many of us don't know how to develop one. 

In this modern era, we can see a lot of people having health issues like depression, anxiety, fear, etc. These types of issues are present due to an unhealthy mindset of a person who doesn't really know about himself.

One of the best things to do to improve such a mindset is to travel. Yes, when you travel you get to know the real meaning of life. You come through a lot of obstacles and challenges which makes you tough, both mentally and physically. Your brain gets prepared for the upcoming future. When you travel your minds get refreshed and you will gain extra energy to run your life.

Believe me! Traveling has helped me a lot in building a healthy mindset which has changed the way I live. You too can change yours.
woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring


Many people don't really get the best out of what they want in life. This might be because the way of their living is not suitable and preferable. When you travel to various different places you come up with different lifestyles around the world and can learn from them.

When I visited Poonhill in Nepal which is a very remote place with fewer facilities, I learned the way to enjoy the best without most of the facilities. Before the trip, I had a thought in mind how would I pass time without wifi but when I started the journey I learned about the way people their lives and seriously I enjoyed more and got more time to explore the real me. It was a lot better way to pass the time than wasting it on the internet.

While traveling you find the best possible way to live your life. You get a chance to know the lifestyles of thousands of people and know thousands of different ways of living. You know what you were doing wrong and you must improve.
landscape photography of mountain hit by sun rays


Everyone wants to get more income then what they are getting. When you travel around you see various new ideas which you might never see in your area or place.  

Like The Belgian chocolate, the waffle has been introduced to Asia and has earned a nice spot.  Such types of thousands of business ideas are waiting for you in different places. So you must travel and who knows you might discover the next trend during your journey which might totally change the way you live.

Many people around the world have earned millions by trailing around and introducing the concepts to new places. Therefore traveling gives you ways to increase your income. Why not look for them?
U.S. dollar banknote with map


Those who travel must have seen a growth of confidence in their life. I have seen it in me. Obviously gaining confidence doesn't mean just being overconfident.

When you travel you come across various difficulties.  You will learn to accept everything be it good or bad, you will learn to build your own influence and learn to be CONFIDENT!

Traveling is fun but of course, moving from one place to another place from one surrounding to another surrounding needs a belief in one's own self. Therefore traveling develops the confidence, belief, and shows you what you really are capable of! This undoubtedly changes the way you live.
girl standing near plants


Traveling is sure to bring a change in your life. And it will surely be a big big change. 

There are thousands of ways by which traveling changes your life and I cannot just write all of them here and you cannot find all in any blog posts. To actually find them you must go and travel yourself. There are a lot of reasons why a person should travel. Go to the link:  to find more.
man taking photo of hot air balloons

Enter your Email and press the subscribe button in the right if you want more such content. I hope you liked the content. Cheers!


white and red no parking sign

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Have you ever fallen sick in the middle of your journey? Well, I have and I know that its the worst feeling one can get. 
We all travel because we love to be in a totally different environment and get out of the stressful daily routine of 9 to 5. You never want to ruin your journey because for most of you traveling might be chance in a while. Most of us get a chance to travel only once or twice a year. Imagine you get sick in the middle of vacation! Surely your best feeling will turn into your worst nightmare! Even a small health issue like diarrhea can keep you in trouble during your journey. Health is one of those factors one must always be careful about while traveling. This blog will be giving you 10 tips to stay healthy while traveling anywhere.


mixed fruits on bowl with blueberry on top When you are traveling to a new place your bodies metabolic activities keep changing to adapt to the new environment. Everybody wants to try a new variety of food while visiting new places. Well, you should try some new varieties but you must also take into consideration whether your body is ready for the stuff or not. Here are some tips on "How to have a proper healthy diet while traveling:

  • Never it more than your capacity
  • Always eat on your scheduled time 
  • Try avoiding spicy, oily, and fatty foods. These kinds of foods might be the best source to bring diseases
  • Do not try every variety at once 
  • Try to have your own cooked food if you don't find a reliable food source.
  • Check the expiry date on every food you eat


filled Vilsa bottle
With a proper diet, you also need to drink a lot of water. Water is essential for the human body. It is very very important to stay hydrated if you are traveling. Here are some methods you need to follow to stay hydrated:

  • Firstly, drink a lot
  • Always carry bottled waters with you while traveling
  • If possible, drink boiled water.
  • Always search for lukewarm water. Lukewarm water is very essential for mild health issues like headaches, throat problems, dizziness, etc.
  • Try to search for the fresh fruits available in the place. Maybe some fresh juice might help.


grayscale photo of sleeping woman lying on bed
According to studies, it has been scientifically proven that an average human body needs 6-8 hours of sleep every day. If you want to stay healthy and refreshed while traveling you must follow the policy above. While traveling most of us have the habit of traveling the whole day and posting it on social media the whole night. Due to excitement most of us forget to take enough rest which are the major factors from problems like dizziness. To stay fit and enjoy every moment one must sleep enough. You obviously don't want to feel sleepy during the whole trip due to one bad night. To stay healthy and active always sleep in time. 


woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring
Most of us are fitness concerned. Every day we exercise or do physical activities then why not continue it while traveling. Exercise is the best way to stay active throughout the trip. It keeps you refreshed and helps you enjoy every moment. Here are some ways how you can practice Exercise in the best possible manners while traveling:
  • Practice a daily routine workout that you follow every day. Example a set of situps, pushups, etc.
  • Go for a run. Even if its a new place and you are strangers you can go out for a short run. You can use apps or google maps to track your location.
  • Practice Yoga. Yoga develops positiveness and makes you active which is a much-needed factor while traveling. It improves the metabolic activities and prepares you for the challenges. It is one of the most important things to stay healthy while traveling. It's always better if you find a peaceful and clean small space to practice Yoga.
  • Plan a hike to near destinations. A small hike must be planned to stay fit and maintain your shape. It's a very important step and if followed produces great results. You must try to hike to the nearest hill station.
  • Try mountain biking: Yeah, it's not common but if you are a bike lover you should give it a try. This will help to build physical strength.
  • Just Enjoy and DANCE! Dancing is a great way to remain fit. Try aerobics or Zumba which will be very effective.
  • Play games: Playing games while traveling is one of the best ways to remain healthy. It is a process loved by everyone. Well who doesn't love playing games? Getting involved in games is a great way to be refreshed, stay active, and stay fit. 


person covering own face
One of the most common mistakes every travelers make is they tend to travel more due to which they fall easy prey for fatigue ness, weakness, and exhaustion which might create health issues like fever, headache, tiredness, etc. Always:
  • Make a proper travel routine
  • Make sure you do not overtravel. Set time for rest as well. Your body needs rest while traveling.
  • Make sure you have enough days to travel before planning for a trip
  • Take the help of local guides and ask for the itinerary that suits you the best.
  • Enjoy every place you visit and get involved there.


green and black first aid bag
Always carry first aid kit with all the necessary medications. This is the thing most of us forget while packing our bags. It is very very useful while traveling. Sometimes you have a severe headache and no health centers nearby or you might have a fever but no check-up camps. In that situation the only thing that will help you fight your problem is your personal medication. Carry them. 

If you are on personal medications then carry them enough that it can handle your tour.  Carry some safety kits like a bandage, wound tapes, scissors, nail cutter, Dettol, Savlon, Cotton, etc. Remember "Precaution is better than cure".

   man in gray long sleeve shirt holding baby in red and white long sleeve shirt
One of the easiest ways to fall sick is getting in contact with germs. Most of us are lazy to be hygienic. We don't take care of personal cleanliness much. Due to which germs come in contact with us and make us feel ill. Here are some proven ways to avoid germs!
  • Wash your hands wherever possible. Especially before eating.
  • Bath Regularly. During your whole day tour your body comes in contact with a lot of germs and sweat. So You should always regularly take a bath while traveling.
  • Carry a hand sanitizer and wet face tissue with you and keep cleaning your hands and face with them.
  • Brush regularly. While traveling most of us forget to brush our teeth. Don't forget to carry your toothpaste and toothbrush along with you. Teeth health is also very important.
  • Keep changing your clothes and wear clean pairs.


We must always be careful while traveling. Even a small disease can ruin our vacation. Always be sure to follow the above-mentioned steps which will surely help you a lot. Always take recommendations from the doctor before traveling. And the most important thing which I always say is  "ENJOY EVERY MOMENT!"
I hope you like the post. If you want to discuss something with me please feel free to mail me at Press the subscribe button on the right-hand side to read my upcoming blogs. 


dog biting Thank You mail paper

Friday, April 17, 2020

7 Things to keep in mind to make your journey unforgettable

Are you facing troubles while traveling to different places? Do you want to avoid any kind of difficulties that you face while visiting a new place? Of course, you want. Well, who doesn't? Everyone wants their journey to be filled with excitement and joy rather than facing unknown troubles while traveling. But many at times we get stuck too many different situations which might even be very dangerous to tourists. Have you ever been to the airport and forgot your passports? Have you ever went to a new place with your pajamas and found out its -5 degrees there? Has your budget ever been insufficient while traveling? OR Any other trouble? If yes comment your problems down below. Well, if you get stuck with problems most of the time while traveling, you can never get the joy of the swing. Even if you are the one who loves to discover parts of Earth, even some small mistakes can ruin your whole experience. Here are a few tips that will make you enjoy your every travel. Cheers!
Things To Consider Before Traveling To A Destination - La Alegria

1.Weather Forecast

The weather of a particular place can be a major factor that can affect your travel experience. Yes, you read it write. Most of us seem to forget to do a proper study on the weather of a particular place before actually visiting the place. Every place in the world has a proper visiting time and condition. The weather of a place keeps on changing which largely impacts the tourism experience of a place.
Imagine visiting Big Bend National parks in Texas in April and after reaching you found out that its Tornado season there or you encounter a tornado. It's sure to ruin all your excitement. It can also lead to dangerous consequences. It is always better to check the weather condition of a place and being prepared according to it.
Family Travel in Colorado: BAD WEATHER While on Vacation


Another very important thing you need to check before your journey is your Budget. You must allocate a sufficient budget for your journey before planning your vacation. You have to very careful while estimating your budget. Always be smart in this field. If you don't manage your budget properly before your journey you are going to suffer a lot. It is always better to take a little more amount of money than your estimated budget. You may never know what emergency arises and you have to spend more. If your income is low then don't opt to visit expensive destinations. There are many places that are awesome tourist destinations and can be visited at a very low expense. So you have to plan your budget accordingly.

3.Safety and Security

One of the very important things you need to consider before traveling is the safety of the place. The world is safe for travelers but that doesn't mean you shouldn't care about the safety of a place before traveling. There are many places in the world that are not ideal for traveling due to their safety concerns. If you don't take the proper study of a place before traveling you may end up in such places. It is always a better option to learn some self-defense tricks and tips. Your whole vacation will turn to the worst experience if you get robbed. There are criminals all around the world and you have to be careful and prepared. Before traveling makes sure you have all kinds of emergency numbers that you might need in the near future. Gender should not be the topic when we talk about, unfortunately, there are many places in the world where there is women violence. So all such things must be taken into consideration before traveling.
Safety also means your personal safety. Before traveling don't forget to carry your first aid bag It can be very useful. Especially when you are traveling to places with low health care facilities you must carry a first aid. Take proper health check-up before traveling and know if your body is capable of visiting the places you are going to. Like before having a plan to climb Mt. Everest make sure that your body is in proper condition to climb. 
Crucial travel safety tips everyone show knowTravel Safey Tips - Essential Advice on How to Travel Safely


Never take your personal health lightly! Before traveling to any new place one of the very important and must-do things is your health insurance. A lot of you have the feeling that "Nothing will happen to me as I am very careful, strong, I can handle any situation". Even if you are the most careful person in the world, its never a bad idea to have insurance. Insurance might be the best thing to get you out of trouble. You can even do the insurance of your belongings. Insurance is not that tough process and you must go through it. Remember PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE! and HEALTH IS WEALTH!
Why Get Travel Insurance for Your Trip?

5.Food And Accommodation

Before an outdoor vacation, everyone will be thinking about the delicious food they eat, their stay in some luxurious hotels, shopping, etc. But do you check the quality of the place where you will be staying or the type of food you will be eating? Do you try to gain more information about local people who will be serving you there? Before your planned vacation to a place, you must know everything about your food and accommodation. Whether the food is your type or not or where will you be staying or what types of services will you be getting and everything. Always try to get as much information about a place as you can. Imagine going to a place without having knowledge of food and accommodation there and you found out that all the good hotels are already booked and you have to forcefully stay in a low-quality hotel in some corner of a city where there is no facility that you require, no proper service, no happy meal. Won't this affect your travel experience? It surely will. So, Before planning a trip take consideration of food and accommodation that you will be getting.
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Before a tour, you might also want to gain the transportation system of the place. There are different rules and regulations to be followed while traveling. It is a better idea to get some knowledge on what type of transportation functions in the place and register the tickets according to it. You must have a very clear idea of what type of transportation would you like to reach a particular place.
Sometimes even a small transportation problem can waste your whole day. Know how to issue tickets, what are the transportation facilities, what type of rules they have, what are the means of transportation, where are the stations/ports, if you need any kind of documents, etc.
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7. Do a proper study on the social environment of the place

Social environment refers to people living in the place, the religion they follow, culture, do's and don't, art of living of a particular place. You can refer to the guide books and references while traveling. You must be careful that whatever is allowed in your place might not be allowed in the other place. You must learn about the people and lifestyle of the people before so that when you go there you don't feel like a stranger and lost. If you practice this step it will be a lot easier to get involved with the people and know more about the place. It will make your journey a lot interesting.
Know about their cultures and tradition and enjoy as much as you can. I am sure it will make your journey unforgettable. If you don't make a proper study before travel here is an example of what can happen to you:
While you plan a journey to South Korea and don't study about Korea you might end up giving tips in the restaurant which is a display of disgrace in South Korea and might make you feel embossed after knowing that. So proper study of the place will make you feel home when you are away and avoid you from getting into trouble.
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Here are some things that you need to keep in mind before going on a trip. More than anything always be smart and plan for your trip well. Always be prepared for any dangerous consequences that might come on your way. And the most important thing is enjoy every moment cause it is the best feeling. With this I am signing off. Click on the subscribe button seen on your right side and enter your email in the email subscribers if you like my content and want to get notified when I publish a new article. Have a good day. 


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Monday, April 13, 2020


Mark Twain said it best: 'Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.'

Most of us love traveling. Traveling is a part of life. Everyone gets bored with their everyday life and wants to try something new. People want to spend some time out of their busy life and in such scenario traveling is one of the best options. In this post I will be writing 6 reasons on why is traveling important:

1. Refresh your moods:

In this modern world, everyone is busy in their own work. Home to office and office to home has been the daily schedule for most of us. People often seen to get bored with their everyday life. People are in need of Refreshment and in such case traveling is by far the best option one can get. Visiting new places and getting involved in a totally different environment is a different feeling. if a person whose life runs between the four corners of office and homes gets to explore the world, his mind will be refreshed and he will have a great mood.
8 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Mood | Delirious Ideas - Your ...

2. Remedy for stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness:

This point is related to point no 1. Traveling is a medium in which people get to be involved in a different atmosphere. Going to a new place makes people forget about the stress in their daily life. When people visit new places they are likely to have changes in their lifestyles which helps them have a healthy mind. After visiting in new places 90% of people are likely to find new ways to solve their problem. Studies have proven that after visiting new places, people will develop better mental health and peace among themselves. Problems like anxiety, depression, loneliness will be recovered. According to the 2013 study of Forbes magazine, more than 80 percent of Americans, who were surveyed, noticed a significant drop in stress just after a day or two of traveling. Therefore taking a break from your daily stressed life and traveling out is a great idea to develop your mental health.
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3.Develops happiness and makes people joyful

When you go to the beach and feel the waves, or you go to the cool mountains or go to visit the Historic museums or anything of that kind people naturally have a smile on their faces. It is a natural feeling that anyone who travels will experience. Nobody likes to just sit idle doing nothing. When you meet new people and get along with them, you naturally will be happy. People of all age groups love traveling. You can see the joy on everyone's face when a vacation trip is announced. It has been found that even a plan of visiting a new place brings a smile on everyone's face whether it is a family trip, educational trip or business trip. So, traveling plays an important role in creating happiness.
20 Inspirational Quotes about Travel, Relaxation and Vacation ...

4. Meeting with New People 

When you travel more you get a chance to meet more and more people and develop communication skills. When you travel to many places you find new friends and increase your friend's circle.  Everyone likes increasing friends circle, don't they? When we meet new people we know about different lifestyles and ways of living. It's a human nature that everyone loves meeting new people. 

How to Make New Friends in Japan | Articles on Izanau

5.Learning new languages 

Traveling helps you learn new languages. Most of the places in the world have unique languages. When you travel you get to make more friends and live their lifestyles. In this process, you will learn the languages of people and improve your linguistic skills. Even though not all but you will surely learn something new which will be beneficial for you. Like when you visit Nepal and India you will learn "Namaste" means welcome and "Dhanyabad" means thankyou.  Similarly, when you visit Japan you learn "Sayonara" means goodbye or you might learn "Sese" means Thankyou when you visit China and more.
17 language quotes to turbocharge your learning ‹ GO Blog | EF GO Blog

6. New Business Ideas

When people from one place travel to another place, chances are you discover new business ideas. Like The Belgian chocolate, the waffle has been introduced to Asia and has earned a nice spot.  Such types of thousands of business ideas are waiting for you in different places. So you must travel and who knows you might discover the next trend during your journey. Many people around the world have earned millions by trailing around and introducing the concepts to new places. Therefore traveling gives you new business ideas. Why not look for them?
Entrepreneurs reveal why travelling is important for business ...


Traveling is one of the best thing you can do in your leisure time.
When people travel they get to know the world. They get chance to learn how lifestyles run in different geographies. People become more knowledgeable and broaden their skills. Everyone must travel to develop a healthy lifestyle. With these words, I am signing off. I hope you like my content.

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