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Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Have you ever fallen sick in the middle of your journey? Well, I have and I know that its the worst feeling one can get. 
We all travel because we love to be in a totally different environment and get out of the stressful daily routine of 9 to 5. You never want to ruin your journey because for most of you traveling might be chance in a while. Most of us get a chance to travel only once or twice a year. Imagine you get sick in the middle of vacation! Surely your best feeling will turn into your worst nightmare! Even a small health issue like diarrhea can keep you in trouble during your journey. Health is one of those factors one must always be careful about while traveling. This blog will be giving you 10 tips to stay healthy while traveling anywhere.


mixed fruits on bowl with blueberry on top When you are traveling to a new place your bodies metabolic activities keep changing to adapt to the new environment. Everybody wants to try a new variety of food while visiting new places. Well, you should try some new varieties but you must also take into consideration whether your body is ready for the stuff or not. Here are some tips on "How to have a proper healthy diet while traveling:

  • Never it more than your capacity
  • Always eat on your scheduled time 
  • Try avoiding spicy, oily, and fatty foods. These kinds of foods might be the best source to bring diseases
  • Do not try every variety at once 
  • Try to have your own cooked food if you don't find a reliable food source.
  • Check the expiry date on every food you eat


filled Vilsa bottle
With a proper diet, you also need to drink a lot of water. Water is essential for the human body. It is very very important to stay hydrated if you are traveling. Here are some methods you need to follow to stay hydrated:

  • Firstly, drink a lot
  • Always carry bottled waters with you while traveling
  • If possible, drink boiled water.
  • Always search for lukewarm water. Lukewarm water is very essential for mild health issues like headaches, throat problems, dizziness, etc.
  • Try to search for the fresh fruits available in the place. Maybe some fresh juice might help.


grayscale photo of sleeping woman lying on bed
According to studies, it has been scientifically proven that an average human body needs 6-8 hours of sleep every day. If you want to stay healthy and refreshed while traveling you must follow the policy above. While traveling most of us have the habit of traveling the whole day and posting it on social media the whole night. Due to excitement most of us forget to take enough rest which are the major factors from problems like dizziness. To stay fit and enjoy every moment one must sleep enough. You obviously don't want to feel sleepy during the whole trip due to one bad night. To stay healthy and active always sleep in time. 


woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring
Most of us are fitness concerned. Every day we exercise or do physical activities then why not continue it while traveling. Exercise is the best way to stay active throughout the trip. It keeps you refreshed and helps you enjoy every moment. Here are some ways how you can practice Exercise in the best possible manners while traveling:
  • Practice a daily routine workout that you follow every day. Example a set of situps, pushups, etc.
  • Go for a run. Even if its a new place and you are strangers you can go out for a short run. You can use apps or google maps to track your location.
  • Practice Yoga. Yoga develops positiveness and makes you active which is a much-needed factor while traveling. It improves the metabolic activities and prepares you for the challenges. It is one of the most important things to stay healthy while traveling. It's always better if you find a peaceful and clean small space to practice Yoga.
  • Plan a hike to near destinations. A small hike must be planned to stay fit and maintain your shape. It's a very important step and if followed produces great results. You must try to hike to the nearest hill station.
  • Try mountain biking: Yeah, it's not common but if you are a bike lover you should give it a try. This will help to build physical strength.
  • Just Enjoy and DANCE! Dancing is a great way to remain fit. Try aerobics or Zumba which will be very effective.
  • Play games: Playing games while traveling is one of the best ways to remain healthy. It is a process loved by everyone. Well who doesn't love playing games? Getting involved in games is a great way to be refreshed, stay active, and stay fit. 


person covering own face
One of the most common mistakes every travelers make is they tend to travel more due to which they fall easy prey for fatigue ness, weakness, and exhaustion which might create health issues like fever, headache, tiredness, etc. Always:
  • Make a proper travel routine
  • Make sure you do not overtravel. Set time for rest as well. Your body needs rest while traveling.
  • Make sure you have enough days to travel before planning for a trip
  • Take the help of local guides and ask for the itinerary that suits you the best.
  • Enjoy every place you visit and get involved there.


green and black first aid bag
Always carry first aid kit with all the necessary medications. This is the thing most of us forget while packing our bags. It is very very useful while traveling. Sometimes you have a severe headache and no health centers nearby or you might have a fever but no check-up camps. In that situation the only thing that will help you fight your problem is your personal medication. Carry them. 

If you are on personal medications then carry them enough that it can handle your tour.  Carry some safety kits like a bandage, wound tapes, scissors, nail cutter, Dettol, Savlon, Cotton, etc. Remember "Precaution is better than cure".

   man in gray long sleeve shirt holding baby in red and white long sleeve shirt
One of the easiest ways to fall sick is getting in contact with germs. Most of us are lazy to be hygienic. We don't take care of personal cleanliness much. Due to which germs come in contact with us and make us feel ill. Here are some proven ways to avoid germs!
  • Wash your hands wherever possible. Especially before eating.
  • Bath Regularly. During your whole day tour your body comes in contact with a lot of germs and sweat. So You should always regularly take a bath while traveling.
  • Carry a hand sanitizer and wet face tissue with you and keep cleaning your hands and face with them.
  • Brush regularly. While traveling most of us forget to brush our teeth. Don't forget to carry your toothpaste and toothbrush along with you. Teeth health is also very important.
  • Keep changing your clothes and wear clean pairs.


We must always be careful while traveling. Even a small disease can ruin our vacation. Always be sure to follow the above-mentioned steps which will surely help you a lot. Always take recommendations from the doctor before traveling. And the most important thing which I always say is  "ENJOY EVERY MOMENT!"
I hope you like the post. If you want to discuss something with me please feel free to mail me at Press the subscribe button on the right-hand side to read my upcoming blogs. 


dog biting Thank You mail paper

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