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Monday, June 8, 2020


Everybody knows that coronavirus has had a negative impact on Tourism. Many experts are predicting the downfall of Tourism. The main question is "Will the Traveling sector change after the pandemic?"

The simple answer to that is "YES". OFCOURSE it will change. Corona has brought destruction in every field out there. It has completely paralyzed most of the service sectors and Tourism happens to be one of the most affected among them.

red and white UNKs restaurant

In such a case Traveling has to change in order to bring back life to Tourism.

So what will be the changes in the Traveling sector that will take place or are already taking place during this pandemic?


After the global coronavirus pandemic, almost every person out there is going to make sure that they are safe first. In this case, people might consider Touchless Travel. People will be more secure about their health and would prefer to go to least affected or more secure countries. 

white and green graffiti on black wooden door

People might make sure about the hygiene and cleanliness and avoid crowded areas. Traveling facilities might change in a way where most of the things can be done without having contact or things like that.

More priority of every travel company would shift to giving a proper health facility. New health safety programs might be added to travel itineraries like a proper health check-up before moving from one area to the other. 


Every sector got hit during the pandemic. Air travel is functioning still in a few amounts but is facing a huge disadvantage by the COVID-19.

Air Travel Companies will try their best to get back on track after the pandemic. But it will never be the same way as before. Safety assurance must be provided by every air company to gain the trust of travelers. I, as a traveler, would not travel anywhere unless I will be guaranteed safety for traveling.

black 2 din car stereo

On an optimistic note, Air Travel will start slowly. Even during this pandemic many of the airplane companies have started to run flights or are planning so to the open areas. Countries like the USA and India are having continuous flights but with proper safety measures.

Even if the air travel will start slowly, the whole system will get changed. A proper social distance will be maintained, people will have to make sure to sanitize their hands, crowding will not be allowed, proof of health certificates might be made mandatory and strict checking will be done. 

Airlines could require proof of good health before allowing passengers to fly, sort of like Etihad’s new trial kiosks in Abu Dhabi. According to Travel Perk, air quality will be an advertised product.


After the coronavirus pandemic, Tourism on the Domestic level is expected to stand out. People might consider moving inside the places near their hometown rather than move towards far places. People will all be familiar with the condition inside their country rather than in other countries.

man walking on roadway while holding DSLR camera

People will opt for a safer option to travel inside their country rather than move to some unknown land and health securities. Also, People will have fewer economic facilities after the virus ends and most of them might not have enough to travel to foreign places.

Many international business setups have been stopped and companies would focus more to expand domestically rather than grow internationally. Every countries economy is under downfall so it might be tougher for companies to establish outside. Even Tourism industry workers will promote Tourism inside the country rather and give less priority to international travel.


Everybody nowadays is getting concerned about safety and Insurance plays a huge role. After the pandemic, the insurance sector will have rise since more and more insurances will get registered.

In case of traveling after the pandemic, People will travel but with insurance. Every traveler will get more concerned about insurance. No one was so concerned about the health insurance before but they will be now onwards. Stuffs like Health and Travel insurance are expected to be made mandatory by many nations before traveling. It was not the case before.

person holding pencil near laptop computer

According to an article in,  “Now more people than ever are aware of travel insurance and how it could possibly help them,”. Every time something like pandemic strikes people get more conscious about the insurance policies. 

Mandatory Insurance is expected highly after the pandemic. Keeping this in mind many travel companies might be looking for a new travel package like cheaper travel insurance facilities. Various forms of Travel Insurances are expected to be introduced by insurance companies.

5) Hotels and Restaurants to open slowly with change in policies

One thing always associated with Traveling is Hotels and restaurants. Corona has directly affected every hospitality sector and to reduce the many hotels are planning to open them but with a change in policies.

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Safety will be a major concern. If you are traveling you can be now made mandatory to show the health documents everywhere. Even hotel associations are planning to implement this. Social distancing must be strictly followed. Hotels might give priority more for online reservations.

There might be a small emergency room created by most hotel organizations. Hotels will make steady improvements. Everything won't be as same like before within a single day but there will be steady improvements and at some point, it will be better than before. But for now, every traveler has to be patient and be happy with whatever they have.

TRAVELING WILL BE BACK BUT NOT IN THE SAME WAY AS IT USED TO BE. Here is the overall summary of what traveling will look like in 2021:

  • Travel companies will have new programs related to health safety.
  • Touchless Travel will be a priority
  • Social distancing will be practiced everywhere.
  • Hotels and Restaurants will focus on having a health safety.
  • Crowded places will get less attention for few times.
  • Modes of Transportation will change and there will be an increase in private transport facilities
  • Insurance might be made mandatory before any trip
  • Domestic Tourism will be prioritized. International might see some downfall for some certain time.
  • Steady Improvements can be seen in every sector of Tourism but it will not be at the same rate as before.
  • Digital Traveling concept might be introduced.



At the end of this, all I want to say is Traveling will not be the same as it was before. It is definitely going to change and change on a huge scale. Most of the things are not going to be the same. The travel industry is hampered directly by the COVID and it will take time for Tourism to stand in its feet. Everything will start slowly but with the movement of time everything will be balanced and I cannot wait to enjoy traveling like before. 

flat lay photography of camera, book, and bag

Many People might have thoughts of skipping traveling onwards but what I want to remind is things will get back in track. It might take time but in the end, we all will travel again. 
Be positive!

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